It's Prophecy Time
It's Prophecy Time
Cut Off But Not For Himself
The 70 7s of Daniel 9 are divided into three sections, a 7 x 7 section, a 62 x 7 section, and a 1 x 7 section. And, there are seven key phrases in the Bible, which are part of these 70 x 7 sections. Two of the more important ones are found in Revelation 11:3 and 12:6. The Two Witnesses conduct a ministry in the Jerusalem for 1,260 days and the nation of Israel also flees from the Devil In Revelation 12:6 for a period of 1,260 days. Daniel 9:27 talks about the midst of this seven, and if we know half of the seven is 1,260 days, then the other half is also 1,260 days, meaning the total seven is 2,520 days. So, the first section that deals with the rebuilding of Jerusalem is a 7 section of 2,520 days, equalling a total of 17,640 days, and then comes the extension from the expiration of the first section to the coming of the Messiah that is a total of 62 x 2,520 days, equalling a total of 156,240 days. And, adding these two sections together it gives a total 173,880 from the going forth of the commandment to rebuilding Jerusalem in Nehamiah 2 on March 14, 445 BC to April 6, 32 AD, which is the first Palm Sunday. The Messiah the Prince was cut off or killed a few days after this first Palm Sunday. But, His death was not for Himself. He died for others. This episode helps a person see these facts more clearly.