It's Prophecy Time
It's Prophecy Time
USA Bible Description #3: Separate From the 10 EU Nations
The image of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2 has ten toes, which are interpreted as 10 kings, as the kingdom of Jesus Christ falls upon the feet of his image. A parallel passage is Daniel 7, as the prophet sees four beasts coming up out of the sea. The fourth beast represents the Roman Empire, which has two phases to it. The last phase is ten horns or kings out of the old Roman Empire kingdom. Verse 8, 20, and 24 talk about this "other" or "another" horn coming after the ten. This is the one that has a mouth speaking great things. This is the one who has a body that is given to the burning flame when the Son of Man comes in the clouds of Heaven. This one is the Antichrist, and he is separate and different from the ten, as in Revelation 17:17 teaches the ten are all in agreement to give their kingdom to this Beast. It is clear that the USA is in the Western Hemisphere and the EU nations are in Europe.